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Recipe: Salmon Pad Thai

This is a simple recipe that allows for some experimentation and tailoring to your personal tastes. 

The vast majority is also available in Lidl so doesn't require 8 specialist shops!

Main Ingredients:
Salmon Fillets (1 per person) (Lidl - £2.85/pair)
Rice Noodles - these 5mm ones are my preference (Morrisons - £1.40)
Edamame Stir Fry (Lidl - 89p)
Mange Tout (Lidl - 89p)
Mushrooms - your preference on type!

The following spices are worth the trip to various shops to stock up on...

Black Cardamom Pod
Sea Salt - The Cornish Sea Salt Co Flakes are my favourite!
Sichuan Peppercorns - this is actually a little citrus thing.  Tastes like strong lemon and makes your tongue tingle!
Korean Chili Powder - Course (Type for Kimchi!)
Sesame Seeds
Cashew Nuts - (unsalted)
Sriracha Sauce
Soy Sauce
Cooking Oil - Olive or Rapeseed

This is a mostly vegan dish, and if you replace the salmon with tofu, it's completely vegan! I leave it up to you tofu aficionados out there to work out the steps to incorporate the tofu!

Step 1:
The Noodles! They are dry and need to be soaked for around 2 hours in cold water - this also draws out the starch a little, making them less sticky once cooked.

Step 2:
Slice mushrooms into 5mm slices, and halve the mange tout.  Pop some water on to boil.

Step 3:
Lay the salmon skin-up on a chopping board and apply salt, pepper, Sichuan pepper (ground) and Korean chili powder.  Add around 2 tablespoons of oil into wok and add 1x black cardamom pod.  Once oil is hot, lay salmon in skin side down.  Cover the salmon with the top of a saucepan to seal in heat and steam the flesh. 

Step 4:
Add noodles to hot water and cover.

Step 5:
Turn salmon over to fry skin side up.  Crush 75g of cashews.  Heat up a frying pan and toast sesame seeds.  Move them to a dish once golden and add cashews to pan - toast until edges are beginning to catch - you want a small amount of burnt for flavour. 

Step 6:
Remove salmon from pan once skin crispy and top of flesh has golden colour, and allow to rest in a dish.  Remove Cardamom pod.  Add mange tout, mushrooms and Edamame Stir Fry mix to wok with some oil, salt and pepper.  After 2 mins, roughly shred the salmon into the veg.  Skin can be removed or added based on preference.  cover with lid and allow to cook through.  Toss with soy sauce (2 tablespoons) and fish sauce (2 tea spoons)

Step 7:
Drain noodles and add to dishes.  Dress with Soy Sauce and a little fish sauce, and a dash of sesame oil to taste.  Serve veg on top of noodles, dress with toasted sesame and cashews and drizzle with Sriracha Sauce.

Step 8:


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